Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Well this is a thing

I'm currently about 3 months into my Disney College Program and while I thought many times about starting a blog, it didn't occur to me until recently how much i should do this if only for myself. I don't want to forget these experiences or any of the people who are helping to make it possibly the most memorable time of my life.

So here I go.
I currently live with 5 other girls in a 3 bed room apartment and oddly enough, there has been remarkably little drama. I like my roommates and I like my apartment and overall I have few complaints about much. It's an ace setup and a rare luxury if any of the horror stories I hear about are anything to go on.

The tradition of mickeroni and cheese(literally 100% the best macaroni and cheese you will ever taste) and wine paired with our movie of choice is a thing i already know im going to miss at the end of my program.

I was hired on in the program to work Attractions and was placed at Star Tours in Disneys Hollywood Studios and I swear to you I couldn't be any happier with that. The people I have met and the fun I have, make it an absolute joy to go to work.
Working or not working, I live for my coworkers and how much fun I have with them.

One of my roommates is already getting ready to leave as are a few of my coworkers and it feels like we all just got here, I'm pretty sure I'm not in a state for the massive number of good byes im going to have to deal with doing the program. People warn you about the long hours, but they don't warn you about how many bad goodbyes you are going to face.

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