Monday, June 17, 2013


i woke up at 10.
ate a bowl of cereal.
submitted my program extension application.
fell back asleep about noon.
woke up at 1:45.
these are the program days they dont tell you about.

Friday, June 14, 2013

one more before i go

Cant update my blog about my DCP, without mentioning that fact that my best friend here on the program is gone, and that's just a lot for me to take. I don't know when I will get to see her again which really sucks. But alas, I know we'll find a way. JUST BE MY FRIEND FOREVER KATE.
We had a big last day/hurrah together before having to say goodbye!

Star Wars Weekends

so that happened too, i never posted because im really bad at this blog thing it seems. Hopefully I can get better at updating on a semi regular basis? but yeah, star wars weekends happened and it was just really fun.

I got mega creeped out meeting darth maul, because he just stared me down the entire time

I had the most fun interaction with the cantina band! They read my ministry of magic shirt and started using their instruments to perform magic spells on each other. It was so fantastic!


oh and special note, may the 4th was also a thing that occurred and was pure joy for my life.


Animal Kingdom has a new Wilderness Explorer game that you can play throughout the park and earn yourself badges. It's mega fun and completely adorable. Of course, being the cast members that we are, me and a friend went and spent a day playing it. If you love disney and love Up, you would completely appreciate this and how precious it is.
The Wilderness Must be Explored!
Caw Caw!

Oh yeah, and we had to stop for a rhino crossing on our safari.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Alert, Convention Time

So last night was not the most magical night of my Disney work life. But thankfully I do have some great coworkers who help to make even bad nights, a little bit better.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sometimes meeting characters goes better than expected

Sometimes you accidentally scorn Wreck it Ralph and Vanellope has to calm him down so you can apologize with a group hug.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Quick Pictorial Run Through...

Lots of things have happened.

I danced with Stich

I attended Dapper Day.

I fell in love with Dole Whip

I met many many characters including that babe Gaston

I even sat in Gastons chair

I ate at Be Our Guest

I fell in love with Animal Kingdom

I spent an entire day in a Viking Hat

I danced the Harlem Shake with the ladies of Main Street

I learned the joys of Resort hopping

I fell in love with the Dapper Dans

I attended the Quidditch World Cup

I had the best St. Patricks Day of my life

So much more has happened it just hasnt all been captured on camera.
I feel like my love affair with Caseys mini corn dogs should be mentioned as well. Because thats a thing. A big thing.